About Me
Make Your Yard Come Alive

I'm glad you visited my website on landscaping. My name is Lucia Nash. I have a very busy and exciting garden. The feeder is always active with sparrows. We put a couple hummingbird feeders out and they visit us every summer. There are many types of birds that visit my yard. So many of my friends wonder why my yard is so busy with gorgeous animals, not the destructive kind, but the types that are just a pleasure to have around. The answer to that question is difficult to sum up in a few sentences, so I decided it was better to write blog posts on how to create a great yard.


Benefits Of Professional Lawn Care

21 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

There is a way of caring for the lawn that can yield the best results. If you care for your own lawn without much knowledge or experience, then you will be gambling with the future condition of your lawn. This is why many homeowners prefer to leave their lawn care to professionals. Read more below on reasons why regular professional lawn care can be so important.  You can reduce the number of pests in your yard Read More …

Home Landscaping Tactics That Give The Appearance Of More Space

9 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a relatively small yard and you wish to make it look as if you have more land than you do in actuality, you have probably thought about ways to achieve this endeavor. There are several ways a home landscaping service aids in providing the illusion of a spacious piece of property. Add A Few Retaining Walls When someone looks at a parcel of land, their eyes will quickly view its entirety if it is completely flat. Read More …

Replace Your Grass With Turf To Make Things Easier For You

16 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have time to take care of your yard, the grass will grow too tall which affects your landscaping. One thing you can do is replace your grass with turf. Keep reading to learn the benefits of doing this.  No Maintenance With grass, you must fertilize it periodically to keep it lush and green. Turf does not grow so you do not have to apply fertilizer to it. It will always look lush and green and healthy. Read More …

Landscaping Maintenance Mistakes To Avoid

27 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Having good landscaping management practices can be important for preserving the appearance and condition of your property. Sadly, if you make some common mistakes when it comes to landscaping maintenance, there could be severe consequences that your yard might experience.  Mistake: Ineffective Weed Mitigation Practices Weed prevention and removal are an integral part of caring for your landscaping. Without an effective and proactive approach to weed mitigation, your yard could become overrun by these invasive plants. Read More …

The Benefits Of An Edible Landscape And How To Plant One

10 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The goal of an edible landscape is to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space that provides food and other resources for the homeowner and local wildlife. Edible landscapes can be created in a variety of sizes and styles and can be incorporated into a variety of outdoor spaces, including backyard gardens, front yards, and even rooftops.  The following are six reasons to cultivate an edible landscape: Growing your own food can save you money on your grocery bills. Read More …