About Me
Make Your Yard Come Alive

I'm glad you visited my website on landscaping. My name is Lucia Nash. I have a very busy and exciting garden. The feeder is always active with sparrows. We put a couple hummingbird feeders out and they visit us every summer. There are many types of birds that visit my yard. So many of my friends wonder why my yard is so busy with gorgeous animals, not the destructive kind, but the types that are just a pleasure to have around. The answer to that question is difficult to sum up in a few sentences, so I decided it was better to write blog posts on how to create a great yard.


6 Quick & Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Landscaping

14 June 2017
 Categories: , Articles

Is your landscaping looking a bit drab and messy? You don't necessarily have to spend thousands of dollars or a whole week of your time in order to improve it. Here are six quick, inexpensive ways to give your landscaping a facelift. Most of them can be completed within a few hours and for less than $100. Add some potted plants. Potted plants allow you to add a pop of color to your landscape without the labor of digging into the soil. Read More …

Stay Green: Simple Tips To Help Your Lawn Grow Healthy And Strong

14 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to your lawn, you want it to look as beautiful as possible. One way to do that is to create a maintenance routine that will take all your lawns needs into consideration. Your lawn care routine will ensure that you're not missing out on an important element. Here are a couple of steps you should take to keep your lawn healthy, happy, and beautiful. Hire a Lawn Service Read More …

Building An Outdoor Kitchen

25 November 2014
 Categories: , Blog

Do you love to cook and host parties? Perhaps you have a deck or are planning to build one. Create an outdoor kitchen that transcends a simple outdoor grill but instead rivals your indoor kitchen. Floor Plan The natural floor plan for an outdoor kitchen is a triangle. In this case, you have your grill and oven against the back wall of your home. A countertop extends to one side, usually containing a sink. Read More …