Make Your Yard Come Alive

About Me
Make Your Yard Come Alive

I'm glad you visited my website on landscaping. My name is Lucia Nash. I have a very busy and exciting garden. The feeder is always active with sparrows. We put a couple hummingbird feeders out and they visit us every summer. There are many types of birds that visit my yard. So many of my friends wonder why my yard is so busy with gorgeous animals, not the destructive kind, but the types that are just a pleasure to have around. The answer to that question is difficult to sum up in a few sentences, so I decided it was better to write blog posts on how to create a great yard.


Helpful Information On Landscape Architecture

2 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Landscape architecture refers to the planning, designing, and implementation of specific designs in the outdoors areas of homes, businesses, or public spaces. It also covers the ongoing care and maintenance of the spaces. While many people think of landscaping to have a purely aesthetic goal, an important thing to realize is landscaping can also be important for the functionality of a space as well. You can learn more about some of the things that can be accomplished with landscape architecture and more by reading the rest of this guide. Read More …

Selling Your Home? 3 Tips To Spruce Up Your Landscaping

13 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are selling your home the potential buyers will see the exterior first. If you have everything looking great this will give them a good first impression of you and increase the chances of them making an offer on your home. Keep reading to learn some things you can do to make the landscaping look even better. Plant Flowers If it is spring or summer, there are many flowers you can plant. Read More …

Benefits Of Soil Stabilization: Stabilizing Grading Before Beginning Your Landscaping Design Project

17 September 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Soil stabilization is an important part of any land development and landscaping operation. One of the reasons for soil stabilization is stability, as the name suggests. Soil stabilization is critical when planning improvements to properties. It helps in preventing soil erosion and strengthens soil during long-term projects. It is imperative to prepare the grading of your property before beginning your landscaping design project, and this can include soil stabilization. The following soil stabilization information will help prepare your property for a new landscaping design. Read More …

Signs You Need Lawn Care Services

24 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Just about every homeowner wants to have a gorgeous landscape they can be proud of. Taking care of your lawn is a good place to start if you need a beautiful landscape. If your yard is looking shabby, it will affect the entire landscape. Fortunately, most homeowners can do basic lawn care and achieve good results.  While you might get away with it a couple of times, you will have to call a professional lawn care company to assist you in keeping up a lovely yard. Read More …

5 Water Wise Landscaping Tips

27 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

With drought regions expanding year after year, creating a beautiful garden design requires that one consider water wise strategies.  1. Native Plants One of the best landscaping decisions you can make is to choose native plants for your area instead of more exotic ornamentals. Native plants have evolved to thrive in your local climate, which means they can often survive with little to no additional water. This is particularly true if you take the time to select the plants to match the microclimates in your yard, thus mimicking their natural environments as well as possible. Read More …